The ATLAS activation studies
The old inner detector note by Morev
Plots by V. Hedberg from the above calculation:
ADDENDUM 1: (ID + VI + VA + LAr Encap) and (ID + VI + VA) and (ID + VI) and (ID)
Plots by V. Hedberg from the above calculation:
ADDENDUM 2: VA beampipe
Plots by V. Hedberg from the above calculation:
ADDENDUM 3: Pixel detector + Pixel support tube + VI beampipe
Plots by V. Hedberg from the above calculation:
ADDENDUM 4: LAr Encap and LAr barrel
Plots by V. Hedberg from the above calculation:
ADDENDUM 5: (ID with TRT C removed) and (ID with TRT C + Pixel detector removed)
Plots by V. Hedberg from the above calculation:
ADDENDUM 6: ID with only TRT barrel and SCT barrel in place
Plots by V. Hedberg from the above calculation:
ADDENDUM 7: The pixel detector without the pixel support tube. With and without the VI beampipe.
Plots by V. Hedberg from the above calculation:
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Responsible for the content of this page is Vincent Hedberg