The ATLAS activation studies
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Responsible for the content of this page is
Vincent Hedberg
Note that the predicted doserates from the ATLAS beampipe has been
reduced by 50% from the 16 of June 2002 !
"Activation - Status and plan" - talk by V. Hedberg at the ATLAS technical management board (19.04.2001)
(tranps. in pdf)
"Activation and Access" - talk by V. Hedberg at the ATLAS integration meeting at BNL (03.06.2001)
(tranps. in pdf)
"Activation studies" - talk by V. Hedberg at the ATLAS radiation task force meeting (07.08.2001)
(tranps. in pdf)
"Activation studies - An update" - talk by V. Hedberg at the ATLAS technical management board (06.09.2001)
(tranps. pdf)
"Activation of TRT Detector at High Luminosity" - talk by S.A. Cetin at the ATLAS technical management board (06.09.2001)
(tranps. in ps)
"Activation studies - latest results" - talk by V. Hedberg at the ATLAS executive board (07.09.2001)
(tranps. in pdf)
"News about activation" - talk by V. Hedberg at the ATLAS radiation task force meeting (17.10.2001)
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"Activation studies of the ID region" - talk by V. Hedberg at the pixel support tube review (17.10.2001)
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"Activation around the beampipe in ATLAS" - talk by V. Hedberg at the LHC beampipe meeting (18.10.2001)
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"Induced radioactivity at the LHC" - talk by V. Hedberg at the DELPHI forum (20.11.2001)
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"Activation news" - talk by D. Lissauer and V. Hedberg at the ATLAS beampipe working group meeting (30.01.2002)
(tranps. in pdf)
"Activation and its implications" - talk by V. Hedberg at the ATLAS forward shielding review in Prague (04.02.2002)
(tranps. in pdf)
"Activation and the beampipe" - talk by V. Hedberg at the ATLAS beampipe meeting (20.02.2002)
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"Activation in the ID region" - talk by V. Hedberg to the ATLAS Inner Detector Steering Group (20.03.2002)
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"Activation problem: Impact on beampipe design" - talk by V. Hedberg at the ATLAS beampipe review (25.04.2002)
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"Status of activation studies" - talk by V. Hedberg at the ATLAS technical management board (02.05.2002)
(tranps. in pdf)
"Induced radiocativity around the beampipe in the ATLAS experiment" - talk by V. Hedberg to the CERN radiation protection committee (13.05.2002)
(tranps. in pdf)
"Shielding design and activation studies" - plenary talk by V. Hedberg at the ATLAS overview week in Clermond-Ferrand (27.06.2002)
(tranps. in pdf)
"ATLAS inner detector activation studies" - talk by R. Hawkings to the ATLAS Inner Detector Steering Group (06.11.2002)
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"Induced radiation in the ATLAS experiment" - talk by V. Hedberg to the CERN Radiation Safety Officers Committee (11.12.2002)
(tranps. in pdf)
"Induced radiocativity in the ATLAS experiment - An update" - talk by V. Hedberg to the CERN radiation protection committee (21.05.2003)
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"Radiation in USA15" - talk by I. Dawson at the ATLAS technical management board (05.02.2004)
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"Shielding, radiation and beampipe" - talk by V. Hedberg at the ATLAS overview week in Freiburg (07.10.2004)
(tranps. in pdf)
"Radiation and activation at high luminosity" - talk by V. Hedberg at the meeting of the high luminosity LHC upgrade steering group (04.11.2004)
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"LHC Induced Background in ATLAS"
- talk by V. Hedberg to the Machine-Induced Background Working Group (29.04.2005)
(transp. in pdf)
"Nuclear zoning of ATLAS" - talk by V. Hedberg at the INBEX meeting at CERN (16.03.2006)
(transp. in pdf)
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