Background in the muon spectrometer

This page gives the result of the different studies of background in the muon spectrometer using the program GCALOR. These studies have been used to optimize the shielding in ATLAS.

A summary of all studies and an introduction to the topic is given in Chapter 8 (Shielding Optimization) in the ATLAS Radiation Background Taskforce Final Summary Document.

Detectors to measure the ATLAS radiation background. Presentation by Mike Schupe.

The results of the calculations below are mostly given as tables in which the background for two different shielding options are compared.

In order to understand the tables the following information is available:

A table and a plot of ATLAS indicating in which areas of the muon spectrometer the background have been studied and a plot of the ID scoring regions.

A description of the different particle rates that are given in the tables.

A description of all the shielding options that have been tabulated.

A description of the geometry and the materials used in the simulation is also available.


General studies

The gap. Starting with the Jul01 baseline the gap between the ID and the LAr cal. was officially increased by 4 cm. This shows the effect.

The paint. What is the effect of adding Boron to the paint of the cavern walls ?

The toroid coils. What is the effect of introducing the barrel toroid coils into the simulation ?

Comparison of the feb. 2002 baseline with all other options.

Comparison of the june 2002 baseline with all other options.

Comparison of two simulations of the same option i.e. an estimation of the stat. error

The beampipe

The flange. What is the effect of adding a beampipe flange at z=13m i.e. after the JTT ?

No second wall beampipe. What is the effect of removing the second wall in the double walled beampipe sections after the LAr cal. ? (Plot)

No beampipe. What is the effect of removing parts of or the entire beampipe ? (Plot)

Be beampipe. What is the effect of changing 2 m of the beampipe into Be ? (Plot)

Al beampipe. What is the effect of changing the VA+VT+VJ beampipe into a 1.5 mm thick single walled Al beampipe ? (Plot)

The JM shield

The new JM plug. What is the effect of attaching the JM plug to the LAr calorimeter ? (Plot)

Boron in the JM disc. What is the effect of doping the JM disc with Boron instead of Lithium ?(Plot)

The JD shield

A smaller bore. What is the effect of makeing the hole in the JD plug cylindrical with the same radius as the FCAL ?

The tungsten plug. What is the effect of changing the material in the JD plug from Copper to Tungsten ? (Plot)

Cylindrical hub in the JD. What is the effect of changing the outer shape of the JD hub from a conical one to a cylindrical one ? (Plot)

No conical pieces. What is the effect of removing the conical pieces in the JD ?

Conical pieces made of Fe. What is the effect of changing the material of the conical pieces in the JD from Cu to Fe ?

The 8cm cladding. What is the effect of making all flat cladding on JD, JT and JF into 8 cm borated poly followed by 3 cm PB ? (Plot)

The 5cm cladding. What is the effect of making the cladding on the JD and the front cylindrical part of JF into 5 cm borated poly followed by 3 cm PB ?

The Pb loaded cladding. What is the effect of making the cladding on the JD out of lead loaded polyboron ?

Poly-Cd in the cladding. What is the effect of changing the cladding to 5% poly-Cd ?

Change dopant. What is the effect of changing the concentration of the dopant in the polyethylene ?

Iron photon filter. What is the effect of changing the lead photon filter to iron ?

The JT shield

A larger bore. What is the effect of increasing the hole for the beampipe in the shielding ? (Plot)

The cladding in the JT. What is the effect of different cladding scenarios in the toroid shield JT ? (Plot)

The 8cm cladding. What is the effect of making all flat cladding on JD, JT and JF into 8 cm borated poly followed by 3 cm PB ? (Plot)

Cladding inside the toroid. What is the effect of putting cladding inside the toroid ?

Poly-Cd in the cladding.What is the effect of changing the cladding to 5% poly-Cd ?

Change dopant. What is the effect of changing the concentration of the dopant in the polyethylene ?

Increase clearance.What is the effect of increasing the clearance around the JTT poly from 1 to 4 cm ?

The JF shield

The steel JF. What is the effect of changing the material in the forward shield JF from cast iron to steel ? (Plot)

The new smaller JF design. What is the effect of changing the shape of the outer conical pieces of the JF to cylindrical pieces ? (Plot)

Reduction of the front part of the JF. What is the effect of reducing the radius of the front part of the JF ? (Summary) (Plot 1) (Plot 2)

No octogonal pieces. What is the effect of removing or reducing the octogonal pieces in the JF ? (Plot) (Plot of rates versus Z and R)

No JF Shielding. What is the effect of removing the entire JF shielding ?

The 8cm cladding. What is the effect of making all flat cladding on JD, JT and JF into 8 cm borated poly followed by 3 cm PB ? (Plot)

The 5cm cladding. What is the effect of making the cladding on the JD and the front cylindrical part of JF into 5 cm borated poly followed by 3 cm PB ?

Poly-Li in the JF. What is the effect of changing the cladding from polyboron + steel to only poly-Li ?

Poly-Cd in the cladding.What is the effect of changing the cladding to 5% poly-Cd ?

An extra layer of poly-Li on the JF. What is the effect of adding an 8cm thick layer of poly-Li to the JF ?

Change dopant. What is the effect of changing the concentration of the dopant in the polyethylene ?

Iron photon filter. What is the effect of changing the lead photon filter to iron ?

The JN shield

The steel monoblock. What is the effect of changing the material in the monoblock part of the JN (which surrounds the TAS) from cast iron to steel ?

Reduction of the washers in the JN. What is the effect of reducing the outer diameter of the washers in the JN or of changing the material from cast iron to steel ? (Plot)

No JN washers. What is the effect of removing the JN washers ?(Plot)

Flux plots

Jan 2003 baseline: Hadrons 20 MeV... Neutrons... Neutron 100keV... Photons

June 2002 baseline: Hadrons 20 MeV... Neutrons... Neutron 100keV... Photons

December 2001 baseline: Hadrons 20 MeV... Neutrons... Neutron 100keV... Photons

The front octagonal is removed: Hadrons 20 MeV... Neutrons... Neutron 100keV... Photons

The radius of the back octagonal is reduced: Hadrons 20 MeV... Neutrons... Neutron 100keV... Photons

Front removed and the back octagonal is reduced: Hadrons 20 MeV... Neutrons... Neutron 100keV... Photons

Other information

JD-cladding simulation with FLUKA 2000 Study (by I. Dawson) of the effect of removing the entire JD cladding or only the Pb layer on the JD.

Effect of beam-pipe on ATLAS cavern backgrounds Study (by I. Dawson using FLUKA) of the effect of the beampipe on the background.

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Responsible for the content of this page is V. Hedberg.

Last update: 13 January 2007