1. "Jun01 JT 7 cm BPE" The june baseline with 7cm POLYB around the JTT and Cu in the JD plug. 2. "Jul01 Baseline" (1) The gap is now officially increased by 4 cm. All previous gap studies had been done by moving only the front face of the endcap back and leaving the back end where it was (thinning the calorimeter). So it took some editing to propagate the 4 cm offset to the front of the JF shield. (2) The inner bore of the JD is copper, and is tapered along the same eta line as the rest of the forward shielding (not cylindrical). (3) The ion pump in front of the FCal is now the stainless steel model suggested by Ian. (4) The borated poly in the JT tapers from a thickness of 7 cm at the front to 4 cm at the back. This is in hopes that we could optimize the CSC region for neutrons and photons, and the middle MDT's for high energy hadrons in the same solution. Although modeled as a taper for convenience, this could no doubt be stepped-cylindrical and give the same results if it turns out to be a good solution. 3. "FTor Poly R=2m" 4 cm of borated poly put on the front and back faces of the forward toroid out to a radius of 2 meters. 4. "FTor Poly Cover" Like above, but with this cladding covering the whole face (front, back, and outer) of the forward toroid. Probably unrealistic. 5. "FTor PolyB and Pb" Two layer facing: 3 cm of poly boron with 1 cm of Pb on the outer surface (2m version). 6. "FTor Poly LiF" The face cladding on the forward toroid is now polylithium instead of polyboron (2m version). 7. "FTor Epoxy Blocks" The July baseline, with epoxy blocks restored to the forward toroid. 8. "JD Cu to W" The core of the JD is tungsten instead of Cu. 9. "Steel Monoblock" TAS monoblock shield changed from cast iron to steel. 10. "JF Clad Pb to Fe" The JF outer cladding changed from Pb to Fe. 11. "Old Gap" As a cross check and transfer simulation, a run with the old gap (GAPDZ=0.). 12. "Rect Cavern" Traditional cylindrical experimental hall turned into a rectangular solid box of 13. "Paint 2mm 20% B" Like above, but with these self-same flat walls painted with 2 mm of borated concrete (20% boron by weight). This is probably near the thickness and boron content limit achievable by "painting", "stuccoing", or "gunniting". 14. "Paint 1mm 10% B" A more realistic cavern paint? Half as thick, and loaded with half the boron. 15. "Maserati", or "The Muon Group Version" (1) Tungsten JD core. (2) Epoxy blocks in forward toroid. (3) Rectangular cavern with 2mm 20% paint. (4) 2m polyboron facing on forward toroid. 16. "Jun01 JT BPE4" 17. "Jan01 Base" 18. "TP43 Compare" These I never had for sufficient statistics or with the 10 MeV cuts. This is to complete the tables. With the bug fixed. 19. "TP43 Comp K0L Old" With the bug. 20. "Jun JT All Cu" There is no moderator inside the JT support tube. All JT core is castable Cu alloy. 21. "Jun JT Half 7cm BPE" 7 cm of borated poly moderator inside the JT support tube for the first half off its length, nearest the CSC's. Solid Cu from there on back. 22. "Jun JT Half Faced" Same as above, but with 4 cm borated poly facing added to FTor front and back to a radius of 2 m. 23. "Aug Base" (1) A cylindrical JD hub, with the outer radius at 84.37. (2) JT moderator (borated poly 5%) of 7 cm thickness for the first half of the support tube, and solid copper for the back half. (3) Poly LiF facing on the front and back of the forward toroid out to a radius of 3.5 m. (4) JT end rings repositioned slightly to correspond to Ian's placement, and made of borated poly 5%. (5) A cylindrical JF forward shielding structure with a constant radius of the iron between Z=1460 and 1800 of r=184 and a constant radius of R=243 between Z=1800 and 2100. Cladding everywhere including on the step at z=1800. (6) The iron disk, 2 cm thick, that closes the gap between the endcap calorimeter and the flux return plate to 1 cm, has been increased to an outer radius of 200 cm. 24. "Aug JDJF Conical" JF radius in front = 165 cm. Return the outer surfaces of the JD and JF to the old conical configuration so that the effects of all other modifications relative to "JUN01 JT HALF FACED" (3, 4, 6) can be investigated. (2) JT moderator (borated poly 5%) of 7 cm thickness for the first half of the support tube, and solid copper for the back half. (3) Poly LiF facing on the front and back of the forward toroid out to a radius of 3.5 m. (4) JT end rings repositioned slightly to correspond to Ian's placement, and made of borated poly 5%. (6) The iron disk, 2 cm thick, that closes the gap between the endcap calorimeter and the flux return plate to 1 cm, has been increased to an outer radius of 200 cm. 25. "Aug Smaller JF" A cylindrical JD hub, with the outer radius at 84.37. The JF continue with a constant radius of 165cm out to a Z of 1550. Here it has the first outer cylinder with the iron having an outer radius of 195 cm. The second cylinder would start at z=1800 and have R=243cm all the way to z=2100. 26. "Aug Large Bore" Makeing a larger hole around the beampipe by increasing the radius such that it increases with 3cm at z=607.8 and 0cm at z=1460. 27. "Aug SmallJF LargeB" Small JF + Large bore. 28. "Aug Smaller JF" 29. "Sep JDJF Conical" Return the outer surfaces of the JD and JF to the old conical configuration but with r=150cm maximum envelope at the front of the JF. 30. "Sep Smaller JF" A cylindrical JD hub, with the outer radius at 84.37. The JF continue with a constant radius of 150cm out to a Z of 1550. Here it has the first outer cylinder with the iron having an outer radius of 195 cm. The second cylinder would start at z=1800 and have R=243cm all the way to z=2100. 31. "Sep JTBack SmallJF" r = 150 cm maximum envelope at the front of the JF. Two stepped cylindrical 2 cm of borated poly in the back half of the JT (the front half is 7 cm in these Sep geometries). 32. "Sep JT 4cm SmallJF" The September small JF but with constant thickness JT moderator - 4 cm from front to back, instead of 7 cm to the halfway point. 33. "Oct Base (JT 4cm)" Sep JT 4cm SmallJF (i.e. constant thickness JT moderator - 4 cm from front to back), with the facing on the front of the forward toroid removed, and the JD hub returned to a conical outer surface. 34. "Oct JD Step Approx" Oct Base (JT 4cm) with a the JD hub brass having a cylindrical non-stepped outer surface, and the cladding "approximately stepped cylindrical" (--> conical). 35. "Oct JT 2cm" "Oct Base (JT 4cm)" with 2 cm JT moderator instead of 4 cm (working toward a thickness optimization study). 36. "Oct Steel Nose" Change the material of all washers in the nose shield to steel (with no change in radius). 37. "Oct Small Nose" Change the outer radius of the large washers in the nose shield from 300cm to 265cm. 38. "Oct Nose Gaps" Change the washers in the nose shield from solid cylinders to 20 cm thick rings with 4mm gaps between them (no change of material or radius). 39. "Oct Radical Nose" Change the material of all washers in the nose shield to steel. Change the outer radius of the large washers in the nose shield from 300cm to 265cm. Change the washers in the nose shield from solid cylinders to 20 cm thick rings with 4mm gaps between them. 40. "Oct Steel JF" Keep the nose shield as before but change the iron in the JF to steel. 41. "Sep JDJF Con R1575" Same as "Sep JDJF Conical", but with JF R=157.5 cm . 42. "Nov Baseline" November baseline (like October "Oct Base (JT 4cm)", but with some beamline updates. The main change is a beampipe flange added at z=13m) JD clad with 7 cm borated poly and 3 cm Pb. 4 cm borated poly around JTT and 4cm Poly-Li on back face to 3.5 m, no front facing on JT. Stepped JF, front R=150 cm, clad with 10 cm borated poly and 3 cm Pb. 43. "Nov JF R=155" Same as "Nov Baseline", but with JF R=155. 44. "Nov Clad 8cm" Same as "Nov Baseline", but with 8 cm borated poly followed by 3 cm PB on JD and JF, and 8 cm poly-Li on back face of JT. The outer dimesions have not changed in JD and JT which means that there is 1 cm less brass in JD and 2 cm more iron in JF. 45. "Nov New JM" The inner radius of the LAr is 185mm with 47 mm in the FCAL region. The outer radius of the neg pump is 89 mm. a) Put a 300mm thick (in Z) poly ring on the front of the FCAL with inner radius = 50 mm and outer radius=185mm. b) Put a 50 mm (in R) poly cylinder with inner radius = 135 mm in front of the first ring i.e. clad the LAr wall facing the beampipe. c) Put a 50 mm poly ring on the front of the pump with inner radius = 43 mm and outer radius = 110 mm. d) The JN disk should of course go down to the cylinder ring in b) i.e. to a radius = 185mm. 46. "Nov ShortNeg" Same as "Nov Baseline", but with outer vacuum system wall (vacuum heat insulator jacket for neg) stopped at rear of endcap calorimeter. So there are no double wall on the forward part of the beampipe and no other isolation. 47. "Nov R=155 P5cm" "Nov Baseline" with the borated poly in the JF decreased from 10cm to 5cm and in the JD from 7cm to 5 cm thickness, while keeping the same outer shielding surface. (Increases the dense material.) 48. "Nov Clad Pb>Fe" "Nov Baseline" with Pb cladding layers on the JF and JD changed to Fe. 49. "Nov Low Lum" "Nov Baseline" with large octagonal parts removed on the JF and around the monoblock. 50. "Nov Tor Barrel" Nov Baseline with barrel toroid coil materials introduced. 51. "Nov NoBeampipe" Nov Baseline with the entire beampipe removed. 52. "Oct (Prev Vac)" 53. "Dec Baseline" JD: No W. Cladding 5cm poly + 3cm Pb with brass increased by 2cm. JT: No change. 8cm poly on the back nothing on the front. JF: Front: 5cm poly + 3cm Fe and radius = 155 cm Back: Two octagonals with R = 195 and 243 cm. Cladding 8cm poly + 3cm Fe. JN: Washers the same radius. 54. "Dec JM1 JD7thW" The first 7th of the JD is made of tungsten" 55. "Dec JM2 JDNoCone" The corner cone, or "wedge" of metal in front of the CSC's is removed, and the cladding is vertical, to the same outer R, against the face of th JD disk. 56. "Dec JM3 JDConeFe" The corner cone, or "wedge" of metal in front of the CSC's is now iron instead of copper alloy. 57. "Dec Pb Clad" JF outer cladding layer is Pb (as in the previous design) instead of Fe. 58. "Dec Pb JDBore" Still with Pb cladding, the JD bore has been reduced to a cylinder with the same inner diameter as the FCal inner warm tube. 59. "Dec TP43 Compare" Higher statistics 60. "Dec JM4 FTInrFace" December baseline with 8cm Pboron facing added to inner back wall of the JT, with penetrations for the coils. 61. "Dec JM5 FTInrOnly" December baseline with 8cm Pboron facing added to inner back wall of the JT, with penetrations for the coils, but with outer back facing now removed. 62. "Dec JM7 JF8cmPLiF" 8cm Polylithium added outside Fe cladding layer on JF octagons. 63. "Dec JFOctsSameRo" Large back octogonal has same radius as small front octogonal 64. "Dec No JFOct1" The front small octogonal sections are removed 65. "Dec NoOct1 SmOct2" The front small octogonal sections are removed + reduced radius of back large octogonal 66. "Dec No JN" The JN washers are removed 67. "Dec Flange 1350" Vacuum flange moved away from I.P. by 50 cm. 68. "Dec No Vac EC1st" All beamline components between the front and center of the endcap calorimeter (354 cm to center of EC) are changed to "vacuum". 69. "Dec No Vac EC2nd" All beamline components from center of EC to back of EC are changed to "vacuum". 70. "Dec No Vac ECto13" All beamline components from back of EC to, and including the flange at 13 m are changed to "vacuum". 71. "Dec JM8 FTBInrFace" 8 cm of PBoron added to the baseline inside the back plate of the forward toroid tor = 3.5 m. This layer is penetrated by the coils, and thus has large gaps in it. (The facing outside the back is also there.) 72. "Dec FTInrsOnly" The PLiF facing outside the back of the forward toroid has been removed, and 8 cm PBoron facings have been added inside the forward forward toroid to r = 3.5 m at BOTH the front and back. 73. "Dec JFWaist MOct2" In the region from z = 15.6 to 18.0 m, the outer envelope of the JF shield to 18.0 m, the outer envelope of the JF shield to 18.0 m, the outer envelope of the JF shield has been reduced to r = 147 cm (no octagon 1, iron at 139 cm), with 3 cm Fe cladding on the outside and 5 cm of PBoron as the inner cladding layer (like the first JF section). This section is now smaller radius than the first section (by 8 cm)--hence the label "waist"--to allow for big wheel motion during installation. Also, octagon 2 now has its core iron ending at 210 cm; a radius intermediate between the original size and the "small version", which was the same size as octagon 1. Cladding on this section is 3 cm Fe and 8 cm PBoron. 74. "Dec 0% Dopant" All all poly layers remain, but as pure polyethylene, with no lithium or boron. 75. "Dec 10% Dopant" The PBoron layers are changed from 5% boron by weight, to 10%, and the PLiF layers, from 2.7% lithium by weight to 10%. 76. "Feb Baseline" (1) Latest JM (2) JD and JT (core) same as December (3) No facing on JT front, 8 cm PLiF on JT back (4) 155 cm outer diameter on cylindrical JF, with no Octagon 1. 5 cm Pboron and 3 cm Fe (5) JF Octagon 2 outer distance to flat = 210 cm (with 8 cm Pboron a 3 cm Fe) (6) Equal size JN sections 77. "JMPP JDBPPb O2Fe" (1) Pump plug restored to JM (2) JD cladding turned into PBoron loaded with 62% Pb (both layers) (3) 25 cm of Fe added to outside of Octagon 2. 78. "JMDPB JFCladPLiF" (1) JM disk changed to PBoron (2) JF clad with Fe removed and Pboron changed to PLiF 79. "Feb 2m Be Pipe" All vacuum elements turned into beryllium for 2 meters, beginning at back of FCAL and including the flange at about 8.5 m. 80. "Feb Baseline" (1) Latest JM (2) JD and JT (core) same as December (3) No facing on JT front, 8 cm PLiF on JT back (4) 155 cm outer diameter on cylindrical JF, with no Octagon 1. 5 cm Pboron and 3 cm Fe (5) JF Octagon 2 outer distance to flat = 210 cm (with 8 cm Pboron a 3 cm Fe) (6) Equal size JN sections 81. "JMPP Dens JDBPPb" JD cladding turned into PBoron loaded with 87% Pb (both layers) 82. "TP43 K0L Bug" TP43 with the K0L bug, the option closest to the 1998 reference. 83. "noJMFCPl CadClad5" No FCAL plug in the JM and 5% poly-Cadmium in the JD, JT and JF 84. "Feb Alum Vacpipe" Single walled 1.5 mm thick VA+VT+VJ beampipe in Aluminium with no isolation. 85. "Feb Cad Mid 5mm" Last 5mm of poly made of 5% Cd doped poly. 86. "Jun02 Baseline" (0) 1 cm gap outside of JTT poly. No gap inside of JTT poly. (1) The JD/JT chicane moved inward in radius and the chicane gap got bigger, and the stainless JD support tube got thicker, to match the engineering evolution of the design. The net result was the loss of a centimeter or so of Cu radially (in the gap), some shielding power reduction due to the Cu->Fe change. (2) The outer radius of the JN shrank a bit. 87. "Jun02 JTTol2cm" 2 cm gap outside of JTT poly. 2 cm gap inside of JTT poly. 88. "Jun02 Be1Al1Pipe" A single walled beryllium pipe in the inner detector and a single walled aluminum pipe downstream to the front of the TAS. The aluminum tube dimensions and thicknesses are: 1st pipe 2nd pipe 3rd pipe R inner 2.85 4.00 6.00 R outer 3.00 4.20 6.30 Thickness 1.5 mm 2.0 mm 3.0 mm