Date: 2003-05-19 |
RPC/2003/XXXVIII/137 |
The project of
calculating the induced radiation in the ATLAS experiment was presented in a
note [1] and a talk [2] to the CERN Radiation Protection Committee in May of
year 2002. This project is now finished and this report contains some
additional results that were not available a year ago. All the calculations
presented here have been calculated by a group of physicists at the Moscow
Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) that has been contracted by ATLAS for
this purpose. A web site [3] has been set-up with detailed information about
all the ATLAS activation calculations and in this note only a small selections of
the results will be presented. The conclusions in this note are those of the
author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the ATLAS
Figure 1: The ATLAS experiment.
The induced
radioactivity was calculated under the assumptions of 7x7 TeV collisions and a
luminosity of 1034 cm2/s giving a p-p interaction rate of
8 x 108 s-1 as predicted by the PHOJET program [4]. The
secondary particle production due to interactions between the primary particles
(simulated by PHOJET) and the material in the experiment was calculated [5]
using the GCALOR program [6].
The activity from all
possible processes resulting in radioactive nuclei was calculated using the
standard activation formula [7,8]. The particle flux maps produced by the
PHOJET and GCALOR programs were used as inputs in the calculations. The
calculations were made separately for (n,g)
capture of low-energy thermal neutrons and high energy hadrons. In the latter
case the lack of knowledge of the cross sections above 20 MeV for all possible
types of interactions made it necessary to make the assumption that the cross
section of all incident hadrons would be the same as that of protons [9]. The
codes DOT-III [10] and MCNP [11] were used to calculate self-absorption and
photon transport. Only gamma radiation was calculated. An LHC year was assumed
to consist of 120 days of continuing running with a 245-day stop.
The induced radiation in
many parts of the ATLAS experiment has been calculated and more than 600
radiation maps for different regions, running times and cooling off times are
now available on the ATLAS activation web-pages. A large expected doserate from
the beampipe has been reported in the previous presentation together with the
two main access scenarios of ATLAS.
Here will therefore be discussed two areas in ATLAS that had not been
studied in detail at the time of the last report. One is the region of the TAS
collimator (see Figure 1). This region is not easily accessible but it is
expected to become one of the most radioactive parts of the entire LHC complex.
The TAS collimator is a 1.8 m long copper cylinder with a 38 mm diameter hole
for the beampipe. It is protecting the LHC magnets from the intense radiation
coming from the interactions in the ATLAS experiment. The TAS lowers the amount
of energy that is deposited in the Q1 quadrupole magnet and thus prevents it
from quenching at high luminosity running.
Figure 2 show the
expected induced radiation around the beampipe between the TAS collimator on
the right side of the plot and the JT copper shielding (which is surrounding
the beampipe inside the toroid magnet) on the left side of the plot. In this
scenario it is assumed that the forward shielding (see Figure 1) has been
removed as a first step to get access to the experiment. The beampipe is in
this region surrounded by a support cone made of Aluminium and this cone
prevents people to get direct access to the beampipe. The support cone act as a
radiation shield and the typical contact doserate on the support cone is a few
hundred mSv/h rather than the several mSv/h that is predicted for the beampipe in
other parts of ATLAS.
The radiation in Figure
2 is what the experiment will have to deal with during the so-called Standard
Access scenario. The only work that is needed around the beampipe during this
access scenario is related to the removal of the forward shielding. During this
work it can be necessary for people to work within one meter of the beampipe
and thus in a radiation field approaching 100 mSv/h. In the Inner Detector Access scenario
the beampipe will have to be removed. The flange at the toroid side will have
to be undone manually and the expected contact doserate for this flange is
about 2 mSv/h. On the TAS side the doserate is even higher but here one has
foreseen to use a remotely controlled flange and people therefore do not have
to work there. After the beampipe has been removed one is left with the
radiation field depicted in Figure 3. There is a 1 m x 2 m region where the
doserate exceeds 100 mSv/h due to the very radioactive TAS
collimator. It is not necessary for people to have access to this region but it
is anyway foreseen to mount a temporary lead plate in front of TAS in order to
reduce the radiation from it.
Figure 2: The expected doserate in mSv/h around the VJ beam pipe. The calculation includes radiation from the beampipe and its support cone, the JT toroid magnet copper shielding, the TX1S shielding (in blue) and the TAS copper collimator. The cooling off time is one day except for one point where doserates for several cooling off times are given.
Figure 3: The expected doserate in mSv/h around the TAS collimator after the VJ beampipe has been removed. The calculation includes induced radiation from the remaining beampipe, the TAS collimator and the TX1S iron shielding.
Another region of ATLAS that has been studied in detail is the
Inner Detector region. Due to the intense radiation that is expected from the
beampipe, the Inner Detector can hardly be worked on at all during Standard
Access. During the Inner Detector Access, the platform seen in Figure 4 will be
Figure 4: The platform that will be installed between the barrel and endcap calorimeters during Inner Detector access. This platform will make it possible to service the Inner Detector. The dashed lines in front of the Endcap calorimeter indicate the region to which the cavern crane has access and all heavy material will have to come down in this zone.
The platform itself and
all other heavy material will have to come down in the zone indicated with
dashed lines in Figure 4 since this is the only region to which the cavern
crane has access. People will therefore have to work in front of the Endcap
Calorimeter. The radiation field from this detector is shown in Figure 5. There
is a 1 m x 0.5 m region around the hole for the beampipe where the radiation is
expected to exceed 100 mSv/h. This region should be closed off with
temporary shielding.
On the opposite side of
the platform is the Inner Detector. Many different maintenance scenarios of the
Inner Detector have been studied and here only one example, corresponding to
the situation in Figure 4, will be given. In this case it is assumed that the
Pixel Detector and the Inner Detector beampipe have been removed. It is
furthermore assumed that one of the endcaps of the TRT and SCT detectors have
been removed to give access to the barrel part of the Inner Detector. The
predicted doserates in this maintenance scenario is given in Figure 6 and they
vary between 20 and 40 mSv/h depending on location and cooling off
times. Similar predicted doserates have been obtained for other maintenance
scenarios involving the Inner Detector (with the exception for a couple of
hotspots where the contact doserate reaches 100 mSv/h).
Figure 5: The expected doserate in mSv/h in front of the Endcap Calorimeter. The calculation was done for 100 days of continuous running and 5 days of cooling off.
Figure 6: The expected dose-rate in mSv/h during access to the barrel part of the Inner Detector. The calculation was done for 10 years of running time and two different cooling off times.
Since the previous
presentation to the CERN Radiation Protection Committee in May of year 2002
there has been progress made in ATLAS regarding the understanding of the
details of the access and maintenance scenarios. Many more calculations have
been done and only a few examples have been presented in this report. The main
conclusions are:
The beampipe
will be the major source of induced radiation in ATLAS with contact doserates
exceeding several mSv/h. During standard access, when the beampipe is not
removed, the access to the area around the beampipe will therefore have to be
very restricted.
The procedure
of removing the beampipe has to be optimised from a radiation protection point
of view.
In the Inner
Detector Access scenario there are some hotspots in front of the TAS collimator
and the Endcap Calorimeter where it is predicted that the doserate could exceed
several hundreds of mSv/h. These hotspots can be shielded with
temporary lead screens.
maintenance of the Inner Detector itself will not give the people involved
doserates that exceed 30 mSv/h.
The project of
calculating the induced radioactivity in ATLAS is now over but the work of
designing a work environment that will expose the fewest possible number of
people to the lowest possible doserate continues.
[1] V. Hedberg, Induced radioactivity around the beampipe in
the ATLAS experiment, RPC report
[2] V. Hedberg, Induced radioactivity around the beampipe in
the ATLAS experiment, transparencies http://cern.ch/vhedberg/atlas/transp/rpc_13_may_2002.pdf
[3] The ATLAS activation studies http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/TCOORD/Activities/CommonSys/Shielding/Activation/activation.html
[4] R. Engel and J. Ranft, Hadronic photon-photon interactions at high-energies,
Phys. Rev. D54(1996)4244
[5] by M. Shupe at the Univ. of Arizona.
C. Zeitnitz, The GCALOR simulation
[7] V.A. Klimanov, E.I.
Kulakova, M.N. Morev and V.K. Sakharov, Activation
study of the ATLAS detector, ISTC
Project #1800, April-June 2001, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute.
[8] V.A. Klimanov, E.I.
Kulakova, M.N. Morev and V.K. Sakharov,
Activation doserate in access scenarios to the area between the disk shield and
the toroid, ISTC Project #1800, July-September 2001, Moscow Engineering
Physics Institute.
[9] V.G. Semenov and N.M. Sobolevsky, Approximation of Radionuclide Production Cross section in Proton
Induced Nuclear Reactions. Report on the ISTC project #187, Moscow, 1998
[10] F. Mynat et al., The
DOT-III Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code, ORNL-TM-4280,
Oak Ridge, 1973.
[11] J.F. Briesmeister, MCNP - A
general Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 4A, Los Alamos National Laboratory Report, LA-12625, 1995.