29. "Sep JDJF Conical" Return the outer surfaces of the JD and JF to the old conical configuration. r = 150 cm maximum envelope at the front of the JF 30. "Sep Smaller JF" A cylindrical JD hub, with the outer radius at 84.37. The JF continue with a constant radius of 150cm out to a Z of 1550. Here it has the first outer cylinder with the iron having an outer radius of 195 cm. The second cylinder would as in the previus suggestion start at z=1800 and have R=243cm all the way to z=2100. r = 150 cm maximum envelope at the front of the JF two stepped cylindrical Small Wheel Large Wheel Back Wheel Barrel A B C D E F G CSC TGC MDT-in MDT-out MDT-back RPC-in RPC-out Sep JDJF Conical N < 100 keV 37300.0 25430.0 6790.0 7439.0 2419.0 5565.0 6400.0 Sep Smaller JF N < 100 keV 42100.0 27260.0 6110.0 7370.0 2462.0 5734.0 6588.0 Change in % 12.9 7.2 -10.0 -0.9 1.8 3.0 2.9 Sep JDJF Conical N > 100 keV 25600.0 7770.0 1280.0 981.0 581.0 785.0 840.0 Sep Smaller JF N > 100 keV 29100.0 8840.0 1330.0 1020.0 548.0 836.0 882.0 Change in % 13.7 13.8 3.9 4.0 -5.7 6.5 5.0 Sep JDJF Conical Photons 25900.0 11900.0 13000.0 5440.0 1530.0 1950.0 2050.0 Sep Smaller JF Photons 31100.0 13100.0 12500.0 5360.0 1590.0 2030.0 2120.0 Change in % 20.1 10.1 -3.8 -1.5 3.9 4.1 3.4 Sep JDJF Conical Electrons 240.0 126.0 34.6 29.4 10.8 20.1 17.8 Sep Smaller JF Electrons 270.0 123.0 35.2 30.2 13.2 21.2 19.1 Change in % 12.5 -2.4 1.7 2.7 22.2 5.5 7.3 Sep JDJF Conical Muons 124.0 21.5 8.7 3.3 1.8 0.9 0.5 Sep Smaller JF Muons 125.0 23.3 10.3 3.7 2.6 1.0 0.5 Change in % 0.8 8.4 17.8 11.7 43.4 4.6 0.7 Sep JDJF Conical Protons 73.5 20.1 10.1 8.4 0.8 2.9 1.6 Sep Smaller JF Protons 76.4 22.1 8.9 8.2 0.6 3.2 1.7 Change in % 3.9 10.0 -11.9 -1.9 -20.2 9.6 3.8 Sep JDJF Conical Hadrons 7490.0 1550.0 455.0 352.0 28.9 147.0 162.0 Sep Smaller JF Hadrons 8360.0 1740.0 417.0 355.0 29.5 158.0 167.0 Change in % 11.6 12.3 -8.4 0.9 2.1 7.5 3.1 Sep JDJF Conical MDT rate 466.9 192.9 170.0 77.5 22.1 30.5 30.9 Sep Smaller JF MDT rate 537.9 210.3 164.1 76.8 23.4 31.8 32.0 Change in % 15.2 9.0 -3.5 -0.9 6.0 4.4 3.7 Sep JDJF Conical RPC rate 275.9 103.5 83.6 39.3 11.1 15.4 14.8 Sep Smaller JF RPC rate 310.4 112.0 81.2 39.1 12.0 16.2 15.4 Change in % 12.5 8.2 -3.0 -0.5 8.4 4.8 4.0 Sep JDJF Conical Penetrating 162.7 51.0 29.1 16.0 4.5 6.8 5.7 Sep Smaller JF Penetrating 174.8 54.3 28.8 16.2 5.1 7.1 5.9 Change in % 7.5 6.3 -1.2 0.9 15.3 5.8 4.9 1 2. "Jul01 Baseline" (1) The gap is now officially increased by 4 cm. All previous gap studies had been done by moving only the front face of the endcap back and leaving the back end where it was (thinning the calorimeter). So it took some editing to propagate the 4 cm offset to the front of the JF shield. (2) The inner bore of the JD is copper, and is tapered along the same eta line as the rest of the forward shielding (not cylindrical). (3) The ion pump in front of the FCal is now the stainless steel model suggested by Ian. (4) The borated poly in the JT tapers from a thickness of 7 cm at the front to 4 cm at the back. This is in hopes that we could optimize the CSC region for neutrons and photons, and the middle MDT's for high energy hadrons in the same solution. Although modeled as a taper for convenience, this could no doubt be stepped-cylindrical and give the same results if it turns out to be a good solution. 30. "Sep Smaller JF" A cylindrical JD hub, with the outer radius at 84.37. The JF continue with a constant radius of 150cm out to a Z of 1550. Here it has the first outer cylinder with the iron having an outer radius of 195 cm. The second cylinder would as in the previus suggestion start at z=1800 and have R=243cm all the way to z=2100. r = 150 cm maximum envelope at the front of the JF two stepped cylindrical. Small Wheel Large Wheel Back Wheel Barrel A B C D E F G CSC TGC MDT-in MDT-out MDT-back RPC-in RPC-out Jul01 Baseline N < 100 keV 37500.0 27000.0 6980.0 5680.0 2096.0 3369.0 3608.0 Sep Smaller JF N < 100 keV 42100.0 27260.0 6110.0 7370.0 2462.0 5734.0 6588.0 Change in % 12.3 1.0 -12.5 29.8 17.5 70.2 82.6 Jul01 Baseline N > 100 keV 30200.0 11100.0 1870.0 1220.0 614.0 781.0 752.0 Sep Smaller JF N > 100 keV 29100.0 8840.0 1330.0 1020.0 548.0 836.0 882.0 Change in % -3.6 -20.4 -28.9 -16.4 -10.7 7.0 17.3 Jul01 Baseline Photons 27800.0 11600.0 11900.0 4870.0 1310.0 1520.0 1590.0 Sep Smaller JF Photons 31100.0 13100.0 12500.0 5360.0 1590.0 2030.0 2120.0 Change in % 11.9 12.9 5.0 10.1 21.4 33.6 33.3 Jul01 Baseline Electrons 208.0 109.0 22.1 20.9 7.4 17.7 12.1 Sep Smaller JF Electrons 270.0 123.0 35.2 30.2 13.2 21.2 19.1 Change in % 29.8 12.8 59.3 44.5 78.1 19.8 57.9 Jul01 Baseline Muons 124.0 21.8 9.7 3.2 1.5 1.0 0.5 Sep Smaller JF Muons 125.0 23.3 10.3 3.7 2.6 1.0 0.5 Change in % 0.8 6.9 6.6 16.9 75.2 -4.2 -5.7 Jul01 Baseline Protons 73.8 20.1 9.0 9.3 0.8 3.3 1.8 Sep Smaller JF Protons 76.4 22.1 8.9 8.2 0.6 3.2 1.7 Change in % 3.5 10.0 -1.4 -11.0 -15.4 -3.3 -8.8 Jul01 Baseline Hadrons 7520.0 1610.0 420.0 406.0 30.1 155.0 175.0 Sep Smaller JF Hadrons 8360.0 1740.0 417.0 355.0 29.5 158.0 167.0 Change in % 11.2 8.1 -0.7 -12.6 -2.0 1.9 -4.6 Jul01 Baseline MDT rate 487.6 190.1 156.0 69.4 18.7 24.3 23.5 Sep Smaller JF MDT rate 537.9 210.3 164.1 76.8 23.4 31.8 32.0 Change in % 10.3 10.6 5.2 10.6 24.8 31.1 36.4 Jul01 Baseline RPC rate 282.6 100.7 76.3 35.5 9.3 12.9 11.5 Sep Smaller JF RPC rate 310.4 112.0 81.2 39.1 12.0 16.2 15.4 Change in % 9.8 11.2 6.3 10.3 29.6 25.7 33.8 Jul01 Baseline Penetrating 161.0 48.9 26.3 14.7 3.6 6.2 4.5 Sep Smaller JF Penetrating 174.8 54.3 28.8 16.2 5.1 7.1 5.9 Change in % 8.6 10.9 9.5 10.1 43.3 15.5 30.9 1 2. "Jul01 Baseline" (1) The gap is now officially increased by 4 cm. All previous gap studies had been done by moving only the front face of the endcap back and leaving the back end where it was (thinning the calorimeter). So it took some editing to propagate the 4 cm offset to the front of the JF shield. (2) The inner bore of the JD is copper, and is tapered along the same eta line as the rest of the forward shielding (not cylindrical). (3) The ion pump in front of the FCal is now the stainless steel model suggested by Ian. (4) The borated poly in the JT tapers from a thickness of 7 cm at the front to 4 cm at the back. This is in hopes that we could optimize the CSC region for neutrons and photons, and the middle MDT's for high energy hadrons in the same solution. Although modeled as a taper for convenience, this could no doubt be stepped-cylindrical and give the same results if it turns out to be a good solution. 33. "Oct Base (JT 4cm)" sep01_jt4cm (i.e. constant thickness JT moderator - 4 cm from front to back), with the facing on the front of the forward toroid removed, and the JD hub returned to a conical outer surface. Small Wheel Large Wheel Back Wheel Barrel A B C D E F G CSC TGC MDT-in MDT-out MDT-back RPC-in RPC-out Jul01 Baseline N < 100 keV 37500.0 27000.0 6980.0 5680.0 2096.0 3369.0 3608.0 Oct Base (JT 4cm) N < 100 keV 40300.0 28100.0 3430.0 4184.0 2010.0 3725.0 4020.0 Change in % 7.5 4.1 -50.9 -26.3 -4.1 10.6 11.4 Jul01 Baseline N > 100 keV 30200.0 11100.0 1870.0 1220.0 614.0 781.0 752.0 Oct Base (JT 4cm) N > 100 keV 31900.0 11300.0 1290.0 976.0 540.0 765.0 730.0 Change in % 5.6 1.8 -31.0 -20.0 -12.1 -2.0 -2.9 Jul01 Baseline Photons 27800.0 11600.0 11900.0 4870.0 1310.0 1520.0 1590.0 Oct Base (JT 4cm) Photons 23400.0 10500.0 11700.0 4650.0 1290.0 1580.0 1630.0 Change in % -15.8 -9.5 -1.7 -4.5 -1.5 3.9 2.5 Jul01 Baseline Electrons 208.0 109.0 22.1 20.9 7.4 17.7 12.1 Oct Base (JT 4cm) Electrons 155.0 103.0 27.0 20.0 9.2 8.7 13.9 Change in % -25.5 -5.5 22.2 -4.3 23.6 -50.6 14.9 Jul01 Baseline Muons 124.0 21.8 9.7 3.2 1.5 1.0 0.5 Oct Base (JT 4cm) Muons 118.0 22.0 9.6 2.8 2.8 0.9 0.5 Change in % -4.8 0.9 -0.8 -11.0 87.9 -11.2 -6.1 Jul01 Baseline Protons 73.8 20.1 9.0 9.3 0.8 3.3 1.8 Oct Base (JT 4cm) Protons 66.0 20.3 11.5 9.9 0.7 2.9 1.5 Change in % -10.6 1.0 27.4 7.1 -11.0 -14.2 -17.0 Jul01 Baseline Hadrons 7520.0 1610.0 420.0 406.0 30.1 155.0 175.0 Oct Base (JT 4cm) Hadrons 7480.0 1550.0 523.0 392.0 29.6 148.0 164.0 Change in % -0.5 -3.7 24.5 -3.4 -1.7 -4.5 -6.3 Jul01 Baseline MDT rate 487.6 190.1 156.0 69.4 18.7 24.3 23.5 Oct Base (JT 4cm) MDT rate 424.9 177.2 153.4 65.9 19.3 23.7 24.2 Change in % -12.8 -6.8 -1.7 -5.0 2.8 -2.3 3.1 Jul01 Baseline RPC rate 282.6 100.7 76.3 35.5 9.3 12.9 11.5 Oct Base (JT 4cm) RPC rate 246.3 94.2 76.6 34.1 10.0 11.8 11.8 Change in % -12.8 -6.4 0.4 -3.8 7.7 -8.4 2.7 Jul01 Baseline Penetrating 161.0 48.9 26.3 14.7 3.6 6.2 4.5 Oct Base (JT 4cm) Penetrating 142.4 46.9 27.8 14.4 4.4 4.8 4.6 Change in % -11.5 -4.1 5.8 -1.9 22.5 -22.0 2.4 1 19. "TP43 Comp K0L Old" With the bug. 30. "Sep Smaller JF" A cylindrical JD hub, with the outer radius at 84.37. The JF continue with a constant radius of 150cm out to a Z of 1550. Here it has the first outer cylinder with the iron having an outer radius of 195 cm. The second cylinder would as in the previus suggestion start at z=1800 and have R=243cm all the way to z=2100. r = 150 cm maximum envelope at the front of the JF two stepped cylindrical. Small Wheel Large Wheel Back Wheel Barrel A B C D E F G CSC TGC MDT-in MDT-out MDT-back RPC-in RPC-out TP43 Comp K0L Old N < 100 keV 21100.0 8090.0 2737.0 2008.0 863.0 1459.0 1438.0 Sep Smaller JF N < 100 keV 42100.0 27260.0 6110.0 7370.0 2462.0 5734.0 6588.0 Change in % 99.5 237.0 123.2 267.0 185.3 293.0 358.1 TP43 Comp K0L Old N > 100 keV 16300.0 4110.0 773.0 402.0 187.0 311.0 232.0 Sep Smaller JF N > 100 keV 29100.0 8840.0 1330.0 1020.0 548.0 836.0 882.0 Change in % 78.5 115.1 72.1 153.7 193.0 168.8 280.2 TP43 Comp K0L Old Photons 13800.0 4110.0 11500.0 3640.0 1080.0 906.0 825.0 Sep Smaller JF Photons 31100.0 13100.0 12500.0 5360.0 1590.0 2030.0 2120.0 Change in % 125.4 218.7 8.7 47.3 47.2 124.1 157.0 TP43 Comp K0L Old Electrons 139.0 70.0 48.8 58.2 50.5 63.0 18.6 Sep Smaller JF Electrons 270.0 123.0 35.2 30.2 13.2 21.2 19.1 Change in % 94.2 75.7 -27.9 -48.1 -73.9 -66.3 2.7 TP43 Comp K0L Old Muons 113.0 20.1 13.6 11.9 25.7 12.1 3.9 Sep Smaller JF Muons 125.0 23.3 10.3 3.7 2.6 1.0 0.5 Change in % 10.6 15.9 -24.3 -68.7 -89.8 -91.8 -88.2 TP43 Comp K0L Old Protons 42.5 7.7 3.4 3.4 0.7 1.2 0.5 Sep Smaller JF Protons 76.4 22.1 8.9 8.2 0.6 3.2 1.7 Change in % 79.8 187.8 162.5 142.1 -10.9 169.7 216.8 TP43 Comp K0L Old Hadrons 3240.0 661.0 224.0 152.0 162.0 62.4 54.5 Sep Smaller JF Hadrons 8360.0 1740.0 417.0 355.0 29.5 158.0 167.0 Change in % 158.0 163.2 86.2 133.6 -81.8 153.2 206.4 TP43 Comp K0L Old MDT rate 292.3 83.9 154.8 63.1 51.3 28.6 16.0 Sep Smaller JF MDT rate 537.9 210.3 164.1 76.8 23.4 31.8 32.0 Change in % 84.0 150.5 6.0 21.7 -54.4 11.2 99.6 TP43 Comp K0L Old RPC rate 189.0 52.7 79.8 38.8 44.0 22.1 10.1 Sep Smaller JF RPC rate 310.4 112.0 81.2 39.1 12.0 16.2 15.4 Change in % 64.2 112.3 1.7 0.8 -72.7 -26.7 53.2 TP43 Comp K0L Old Penetrating 128.3 34.5 32.0 23.6 39.4 18.2 6.5 Sep Smaller JF Penetrating 174.8 54.3 28.8 16.2 5.1 7.1 5.9 Change in % 36.3 57.0 -10.0 -31.4 -87.0 -60.7 -8.7 1 19. "TP43 Comp K0L Old" With the bug. 33. "oct01_base" sep01_jt4cm (i.e. constant thickness JT moderator - 4 cm from front to back), with the facing on the front of the forward toroid removed, and the JD hub returned to a conical outer surface. Small Wheel Large Wheel Back Wheel Barrel A B C D E F G CSC TGC MDT-in MDT-out MDT-back RPC-in RPC-out TP43 Comp K0L Old N < 100 keV 21100.0 8090.0 2737.0 2008.0 863.0 1459.0 1438.0 Oct Base (JT 4cm) N < 100 keV 40300.0 28100.0 3430.0 4184.0 2010.0 3725.0 4020.0 Change in % 91.0 247.3 25.3 108.4 132.9 155.3 179.6 TP43 Comp K0L Old N > 100 keV 16300.0 4110.0 773.0 402.0 187.0 311.0 232.0 Oct Base (JT 4cm) N > 100 keV 31900.0 11300.0 1290.0 976.0 540.0 765.0 730.0 Change in % 95.7 174.9 66.9 142.8 188.8 146.0 214.7 TP43 Comp K0L Old Photons 13800.0 4110.0 11500.0 3640.0 1080.0 906.0 825.0 Oct Base (JT 4cm) Photons 23400.0 10500.0 11700.0 4650.0 1290.0 1580.0 1630.0 Change in % 69.6 155.5 1.7 27.7 19.4 74.4 97.6 TP43 Comp K0L Old Electrons 139.0 70.0 48.8 58.2 50.5 63.0 18.6 Oct Base (JT 4cm) Electrons 155.0 103.0 27.0 20.0 9.2 8.7 13.9 Change in % 11.5 47.1 -44.7 -65.6 -81.9 -86.1 -25.3 TP43 Comp K0L Old Muons 113.0 20.1 13.6 11.9 25.7 12.1 3.9 Oct Base (JT 4cm) Muons 118.0 22.0 9.6 2.8 2.8 0.9 0.5 Change in % 4.4 9.5 -29.6 -76.1 -89.1 -92.4 -88.3 TP43 Comp K0L Old Protons 42.5 7.7 3.4 3.4 0.7 1.2 0.5 Oct Base (JT 4cm) Protons 66.0 20.3 11.5 9.9 0.7 2.9 1.5 Change in % 55.3 164.3 239.2 191.5 -6.4 139.5 188.2 TP43 Comp K0L Old Hadrons 3240.0 661.0 224.0 152.0 162.0 62.4 54.5 Oct Base (JT 4cm) Hadrons 7480.0 1550.0 523.0 392.0 29.6 148.0 164.0 Change in % 130.9 134.5 133.5 157.9 -81.7 137.2 200.9 TP43 Comp K0L Old MDT rate 292.3 83.9 154.8 63.1 51.3 28.6 16.0 Oct Base (JT 4cm) MDT rate 424.9 177.2 153.4 65.9 19.3 23.7 24.2 Change in % 45.4 111.1 -0.9 4.5 -62.5 -17.1 50.9 TP43 Comp K0L Old RPC rate 189.0 52.7 79.8 38.8 44.0 22.1 10.1 Oct Base (JT 4cm) RPC rate 246.3 94.2 76.6 34.1 10.0 11.8 11.8 Change in % 30.3 78.7 -4.0 -12.1 -77.3 -46.6 17.6 TP43 Comp K0L Old Penetrating 128.3 34.5 32.0 23.6 39.4 18.2 6.5 Oct Base (JT 4cm) Penetrating 142.4 46.9 27.8 14.4 4.4 4.8 4.6 Change in % 11.0 35.8 -13.1 -38.9 -88.8 -73.4 -28.6